Thanks a lot for the info. I imagine I will be placing my order for the wing cutters shortly. Please accept this photo for your monthly contest. Here is my most recent trout caught on a little green machine. This was a fun fish to catch because I had spotted it out in the middle of the riv as I was walking along the bank. I hooked this South Platte rainbow on my first drift down to the fish. There was an older gentleman walking along the shore who watched me cast out and then bring the fish back. I was actually about to head home and so was getting out of the water just after catching the fish. He asked me what I caught the trout on and I was quite happy to tell him it was the little green machine. His reply was that it is a neat little fly.
Jon C., Colorado
Just returned from Trout fishing trip in Oklahoma. Most people use Wooly Buggers (small size 10-12) and olive works best. I just got back from fishing Big Horn River in Montana using indicator with nymphs and dug out your flies that I had received and tied on a Superman (size 14) then 14" below Little Green Machine Chartreuse size 18--Caught some on Superman, but "killed" them on the Little Green Machine. We caught abt 40 trout up to 17" in abt 4hrs. I am ordering some more Chartreuse Little Green Machines size 18--Are there any other flies you would recommend along with the Superman for the top fly? Prefer to have a larger weighted fly on top and not use split shot. This is stream fishing, Not much current with planted fish. I will be expanding to 3 fly setout next Thanks again--
Jim Gannon Southlake, Tx
Hello Vince, Thanks very much for the speedy shipment of the 300 dry fly hooks and for the tiny tungsten bead samples. My very best to you. Bill
Hello Vince
The top lake at Litton holds some zoo creature browns.Had a red letter day there 1st July 07.Late afternoon fall of red ants had the fish up.The colour of these fish is striking as they are like bars of gold.I took some cracking fish with one memorable encounter as dry fly with dropper off the bend just drifting under some overhanging branches which touched the water when it disappeared as a lunker sucked in the LGM PT nymph.The surface calm exploded as I tightened into a by now tailwalking bar of gold.The sun by now was lower in the sky so you can picture the spectical.I will never forget it.Fish was released as I release most browns if I can.
Tight lines Jon
Hi Vince,
This shipment arrived today, 31/1/08. Thank you for your service. I will use your business for further purchases in the future.
Many thanks,
Trevor Mueller,
Vince, So I went home to a burst pipe and a flooded house and hours of cleaning. That's never fun. However, I received the flies in the mail which was a bright point in a rather crappy day. What a beautiful job! Thank you very much for the recipe's and the personal touch of the sketches. Love the three bonus flies. It is nice to see a real microstone from the article! And the boatman, you have captured the colorful sheen of the natural like I have never seen in a boatman pattern. Thanks for everything. You are a real class act in the way you run your business. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Rich Hey Vince, Just another word of thanks for your website and fly materials. A large part of fishing for me is tying flys. Your website and book have taught me alot. I hope you get another book out soon. Yesterday on the Battenkill, the trout seemed super selective. I just finished tying some AC caddis and a Micromayfly. I have quite a collection of paravariants. The Ac got several strikes right off the bat. I missed the fish. Some large brown has my paravariant snapping off the 5x tippet. I landed an 18in. (huge for me) on an all white ac. Thanks again for the materials and knowledge and inovative patterns.
Hi Vince,
WOW! Those flies look so good they made me hungry! You are truly gifted. All of your modifications are absolutely brilliant. I love the hackle you used on the skunk pattern, beautiful color. The dragon is way more "buggier" than the sample I sent with the flashabou like head and the CDChicken wing material. The stone is great and will have a more desireable sink rate than the one I sent you which sank very slowly and had no movement. I can't wait to try them out. I think the skunk with the extra and evenly distributed weight will be perfect for the Bass that have started to move to deeper water now that winter is here. Even though it's still 70 degrees in the day. A salmon fly for Bass sounds weird but it's worked for me in the past and I'll keep you posted. I hope to get my Fly Tyer soon and see your latest inventions. After seeing these flies I think I am going to take one of each and mount them in a frame with your business card so I can show my buddies the Vince Wilcox specials. If it is not too much trouble would it be possible for you to write down the pattern description for each with your signature to go along with the flies? I got a place for it right under my 33" mounted Lake Trout on my fishing wall. I feel that your effort and service far outweigh the money that I have sent you. I will have to buy several copies of your book and give them to my buddies for a Christmas present. Hope you have some copies left!
Thanks for your time and service and all the best to you and your family for the holiday season.
Vince Well, not to many pics were taken, the person who was to take pictures, had his camera stolen out of his auto at the motel...anyway, the young mother,Thersa,who won the raffle donated the wooden fly box to The Healing Waters Project and kept your book for her 12 yr old son. She wrote out a check for over $1000 towards the raffles she won, found out her husband is a Dentist in Washington DC. I think her bid was $75 for your book & fly box together. Haven't heard how much the banquet made on the raffles.....but I know our newsletter costs went up to $1600 each quarter next year...might have to cut back to twice a year. Thanks again, Ron
Thanks a bunch Vince. Nice Pics of your new place. Unfortunately for you,I'm pretty familiar with that area so its going to be all too easy to track you down and bug you. I've spent a fair amount of time camping at Buck Pond, in the past. All kidding aside, I've found your patterns very productive and your fishing instructions clear and right on the mark. Thanks for the note. I'm trying to get my inventory of streamers up to snuff. Also have to tie up a bunch of vw divers. Lost a nice brown yesterday on a diver. Been fishing the Battenkill. Very fussy trout. Your patterns have been a Godsend. Thanks, Roger.
Vince:Just thought I’d let you know that your Wilcox’s JC Special Pheasant Tail has become my new favorite fly. Whenever I fish fast water, this fly really delivers. A few weeks ago, I was fishing Cheesman canyon. Every guide and guidebook says that you have to use teeny tiny nymphs and tiny delicate dries if you are going to catch fish in Cheesman. I fished all day long with tiny nymphs and dries and had no success at all. Just before I had to leave, I switched to the Wilcox JC Special Pheasant Tail (which I call the “ugly bug”) and immediately began hooking fish. I just wish I’d tried it sooner. I’ve been cleaning out McGuckin’s Hardware of all their ugly bugs. You’ll probably need to send them more soon.
Take care.
K.L Boulder, CO
Got my order today. Incredible service. Somehow you must have known I was running out of 5x tippet. Thanks,Roger. R.B. Queensbury, NY
This is a Cutthroat from the Boulder River many miles south of Big Timber Mt. The river here is very small but filled with brook trout,Rainbows and Cutthroats. It was a great area to fish.I could have stayed here for a month. Your superman has caught quite a few fish. I wish I had bought 4 dozen the way they are being lost and I will when I get home. I have tried to buy more every place I saw your flies but no one has any. Dick Faulkner, Saranac Lake, NY
Hope all is going well out for you, Vince. I lived in CO and have since moved to MT. Just to let you know, your flies, specifically the Foam Sallies and Little Green Machines have produced some 15- 20 fish days on Upper Rock Creek out here. Until they shut down the rivers and all the fires began. And, thankfully, the local Grizzly Hackle in Missoula keeps me stocked. Just a little update, that's all. Stay well, Jonathan Stumpf, MT
I just finished your article in summer Fly Tyer magazine and found it very helpful. I really like the patterns you have developed and cant wait to try them out. I am relatively new to fly fishing and have just started tying (or trying to tie) flies about a 2 years ago. The whole reason I was attracted to the sport is that tying my own flies seemed very appealing. Thank God I don’t have to make a living out of it or my family and I would starve to death…I have calculated that if I tied professionally and someone actually wanted to buy my flies I would make about $2.00 and hour if I dedicated all of my time to it. I truly appreciate the work that goes in to what you do. After reading the article I visited your web page and read your bio/history. I am impressed with what you have done and the direction you have taken your life…it’s inspiring. I normally get my flies (that I can’t tie myself) from bluefly café but after reading this I would gladly start buying flies from you or Idylwilde and pay the extra money. Especially since I have had a number of flies come apart on me from the other source. Tying has been a great bonding experience with my 4 year old daughter who loves to tie with me every chance she gets. This spring she actually caught her first trout on a fly that she tied herself and a 4 wt Winston rod (a san juan worm that I only had to help with the whip finish). Not bad for a 4 yr old, I was 30 before I had that opportunity. I know she will love some of the patterns that you have developed. Anything with sparkles, flashing or bright colors are a big hit in her fly box. Anyhow, I just wanted to write and say good luck and you have a couple new fans…if there is such a thing in fly tying. Keep fighting the good fight.
Josh Shaw, New Stanton PA
Hi Vince, I ordered some flies from you a few weeks ago, and requested expedited shipping if possible to have them for a trip I was heading on. I would like to thank you for your same day of order shipping, and also the bonus flies you thru in for free. In todays world you and your business are very rare! I've told all my fly fishing buddies about your business. Take care, and a big thank you once again! Wileysflies is the best!!!!!
Thanks, Vince....
Gotta tell friend/fishing buddy, John French, ordered some AC caddis flies from you.... took them to Montana with him two weeks ago... nailed some really good sized browns and cuts on the Gallatin River while no one else could entice a bit... he will be ordering more... because he had the same experience on the Madison near W. Yellowstone with your AC caddis while others slapped water and got nothing... about two months ago he had the same experience on the Wood in Oregon... so you have another 'believer'.... DS, California
VinceI get the Coyote kit yesterday and I am very satisfied J thank you for excellent service.Kind Regards
Bjorn Algrim, Oslo Norway
Vince, I hope you and Andy are doing well in New York. I wanted to send you the picture from Field & Stream foryour website. Just in case you wanted to use it. Plus, Iwanted to thank you again for my flies. You will be happy to know that I have competed at all three qualifiers this year and will compete in North Carolina at the final one before Nationals. Here's my story for you. In Fresno, CA, I used your flies except on the lake. I caught fish but not enough to qualify. Out of 50 guys, I came in 40th-ish. (Can't remember) I was mad at myself as I went away from your dry patterns on the lake because I got frustrated. I should have stayed with them because they have ALWAYS worked for me (in Colorado). The Western Regional was in Cody, Wyoming last month. There were 50 contestants again. I took your flies and you will not believe this. Out of the 14 Team USA guys that were there, I beat 8 of them. I won the lake beat with your dry dropper rig. (I'll send the pictures as you'll be able to tell which flies I used if you look close.) I missed qualifying by 1 centimeter! Can you believe that....... So, two days after I get home from Cody, I left for Newaygo, Michigan the Midwestern Regional. Not only did I qualify, I came in 6th overall. I am currently the only female to qualify for Nationals this year! How's that for a story. Goes to show you your patterns work EVERYWHERE. I'm on the Midwestern team going to Nationals. I gave all my teammates your e-mail and website. I'll be in contact with you! Lake beats in Michigan....... If you can't tell, I was dropping your bright green BT special off the dry and then a smaller superman off the BT. They took both of them equally. The best part was NObody had your flies. So I even told them what I was using! It was AWESOME! Thanks again Vince!!!! Keli~VanCleave Wandering Fisherwoman.....Team USA
Hi Vincent,
Just a quick note to let you know that the materials have arrived safely and that I am very pleased with my purchases. The beads are excellent quality and the all the other materials are great. I have already started using some of the materials to experiment with a few patterns and I am looking forward to spending more time at the flytying vice in the near future. T.H. England
Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know that we received all the fly boxes and they are gorgeous! You did an amazing job and very quickly!! Thanks again for all your help.
I recently order a few items from Wiley's (03/27/07) and was pleasently surprised to have them in my hand 3 days after ordering. Not only that, but your book was autographed, a nice unexpected touch.In this modern world of "non-personal, wham-bam thank you maam" attitude it is refreshing to know that there are still some folks out there who believe in taking the time to do the little extras that make doing business with them a pleasure, you do and I thank you. May God continue to shine His Light on you and yours.
Pawhuska, Ok.
Vince, I thought in all this cold weather and snow that you are experiencing that you might enjoy this short e-mail from my friend Rich. He was heading over to fish the Roaring Fork last Wednesday and so I put together a bunch of flies that I tied and gave them to him. Amongst the collection were about a dozen LGMs. I did not get a chance to talk to him about the flies and which ones I thought he should use, but it looks like he figured it out. BWOs seemed to be on all the fishing reports and well his e-mail speaks for itself.......
Hey Scott,
It was awesome! Sunshine, not much wind. I was a little discouraged for the first 2.5 flies weren't working (only two medium size fish). I switched to yours: the green flashback beadheads with little wings, and I ended up catching about 25! Some of them were 16-17 inches...fat rainbows...some females that had already spawned. So it was a perfect day. I have your flybox...I'll bring it Sunday. You're my hero! We'll have to go up again here soon!
Thanks so much for the help!
S. D. Ft. Collins, CO
Greetings from Tennessee, Vince I want to thank you for prompt service, I have received the beads this afternoon, I have already put a dozen to use. They look nice and the quantity was right on the money.I tell you there is nothing better than tying your own flys and having someone you fish with catch fish on them, not to mention it feels pretty good when you do as well. Look forward to doing business with you in the future I have your card in my rolodex for fast reference. Thanks again, B.H. LaVergne TN
Vince, I used some of your flies today for the first time. The little green machine and the blue superman were priceless. I also used a bunch of flies that I tied based on your ideas - basically synthetic pheasant tails and copper john variations. We wore them out on the Caney Fork, about an hour from Nashville. I have some pics from a cell phone of a nice rainbow and a nice brown caught on the superman. If the pic is good quality, I will forward it on. Just wanted to give you an update on your flies and thank you for your inspiration for many that I now tie. H. K. Nashville, TNI truly love your flies. Now I wish I had every pattern and full boxes of your flies. Shafer and I each caught more than 30 fish at Honholtz on Sunday. He had so much fun. The flies are almost indestructible. I fished a low rider and the caddis pupa as a dropper and Shafer fished the Para Variant and a C-Squared dropper. We each lost two flies but never did destroy one with all those fish. We did so well we stayed with the same flies all day. The fish were smaller this year than in the past but lot of fun to catch. Thanks for the great flies! C.H. Ft. Collins, CO
Sorry to hear you're laid the season too!!! Love the flies you shipped.... was in western Wyoming two weeks ago and the superman was great.... after five casts at Hams Fork and five nice browns I sold it to the guy downstream for $6.00 since he had not caught a fish all morning... he tied on the superman and three casts later into a nice ripple and he netted a nice 16" brown....Just thought you'd get a kick outta that....
D. S. San Dimas CA
I took a nice 20 inch brown tonight on a black ghost. Later in the evening I got a few nice rainbows between 14 and 18 inches on a low rider. Great flies! J.P. Saranac Lake, NY
Thanks, Vince. Received the flies this afternoon and just got off the M. Boulder Creek. The Para-variant is deadly! I do appreciate it and I'll let you know if I need anything else. J.S. Boulder, CO
Vince, I received my first order of flies…. Very impressed… and thank you for the superman…. Looks like a great fly And should work well at Hot Creek, Hat Creek, East or West Walker and all my western Wyoming 'secret' spots… Just placed another order to take to Oregon with me for the Rogue and Applegate Rivers…. Glad I read the Amer. Angler article and found your shop D.S. Covina, CA
Hi Vince! Nice to see your electronic store front growing. You mentioned that you were going to be carrying Fishpond in the near future. Is there any chance you'll be selling the Cimarron Bag? I've been doing a decent amount of fishing lately. Been having good luck with the Para Variant and Low Riders up in the Park. Heading up to the Bristol Bay region later in August for a silver run and some rainbow fishing. Would like to hook up with you again for a tying lesson this fall if time allows with your schedule. I enjoy reading your articles in FF. Keep up the good work. B.D. Westminister, CO
Vince, I wanted to thank you for the kind free flies for the slight delay in my first order, that was very much appreciated as indeed were the couple of free samples. As with any good customer service I feel it deserves return business and here is my latest order. I find your web site very good to work with and of course the flies and materials are both innovative and excellent. I am heading out to Montana for a few days next week and will be putting your fee flies to use as indeed will some of the Lint Bugs/C Squared/TNT flies I had tied up earlier this year from your article in Fly Tyer Magazine. Again thank you for the excellent service, the kind words in your book, I truly appreciate the extra effort you have taken....something that is not often found these days! Thanks and regards. A.M. Naperville, IL
Vince, I’m enjoying tying your flies & looking forward to stocking up for fall fishing! C.M. Pittsburgh, PA
Vince, I enjoyed reading your article in American Angler. You have some great ideas! W.V.W. Packwood, WA
Vince, Got your first shipment; beautiful work; really fishable! I can’t wait to get on the river. I’m impressed with your website and appreciate your products; I will keep you in mind every time I need additional supplies since my age prevents further fly tying. Your article in Summer 2006 American Angler was super. I will give your patterns the attention they obviously deserve. Keep the faith! You are a ture fly fisher, thanks for sharing it is traditional! R.W. Monument, CO Vince,
Your online store is great! I found out about it in your Top Ten Colorado flies article in American Angler. J.R. Layfayette, CO
I cannot thank you enough for your guidance in terms of fishing locations and flies for the trip this week to Colorado.
Yesterday Erik and I fished the Big Thompson from 7:45 am to 1:00 pm and had the best day(ok 4.5 hours!) fishing we have ever experienced. Not that we were counting..however, we both estimate we had in the region of 50 fish each. Not only did we catch a large number of fish, but the quality in terms of size and fight was outstanding. I don't think in all my years fishing I have ever seen so many quality brown trout with such great fight. It's rare to me to see a Brownie jump, however many of the Big Thompson variety did...and a lot ! I forgot to mention this was from the Conoco station (Sandi's)all the way up from the bridge through some of the nicest runs and riffles you could want to fish. Then the were right...the Little Green Machine might be the best fly ever! I caught about 97 pct of all my fish on the LGM...and indeed the last 3 pct were on The Big Thompson Special....but only because I ran out of LGM's!! I don't think I have ever seen a fly that was taken so readily by so many fish..just amazing. Starting out Tuesday we fished the upper canyon parts of The Big Thompson, up near the cabins and caught a couple of fish, we also fished the Poudre with similar results. Both cases it just seemed the water was very low and clear. However, we then headed down to the "Sandi's section" and had a great afternoon/evening there..almost as good as yesterday..but yesterday was tops!
My friend Erik wanted to head over to fish the Upper Colorado, he had friend's who recommended it. We did not know that we would have to go up 11,000 feet first to get there, but the scenery was worth the journey! It was a little windy that day and lots of leaves on the water, however we did catch some nice fish..I found a pod of rising brownies and of course the LGM did the trick when a dry would not...what a fly ! I also hooked in to probably the biggest fish of the trip on and LGM, but with the barb off and size 18 it was just a little too much to get it in the net, I finally lost it as it got below me in the fast water. So I don't mean to take up too much of your email time, but just cannot thank you enough for making the visit to Colorado the trip of a life time. The cabins were also very nice and a good location for our trip.
I hope all went well up on the Wind River and the trip was not to arduous for you. Would be interested to hear how it went.Once again many many thanks for all of your help, time and kindness....I can only say again it was a trip I will never forget. Erik and I were already figuring out when we could hit the dry fly activity next year. In fact from Loveland to Denver airport was even closer and I don't think it took us much more than 1hour 15 mins to get will be back ! Very best regards, Alan. IL
Vince, I received the book and the flies today. Thanks a bunch for the Low Rider!!!!!! That was a nice touch. I glanced through the book and thought it was great. I can’t wait for the upcoming volumes. Let me know when they come out, because I definitely want to get them.I love the style of your flies. I plan on tying some of your patterns and trying them out on a spring creek in Eastern WA called “Rocky Ford”. I’ve had great success here on several scud patterns that I tie, but I want to be able to try out some of your patterns and see how they do. It’s tough fishing there. Most of the patterns used as size 20-24 with only a couple of exceptions. I truly hate tying that small….not a lot of fun for me. The LGM and Lint bug might work well here. I think I will try them in size 20 and see how they fair. My trip is set for the weekend of Sept 16, so when I return I’ll let you know how I did. Thanks again Vince. I have to say I’m glad you decided to change careers. I know you didn’t have a choice because of what happened to you physically, but man you are an incredible tier!!! I really enjoyed the article in the summer 2006 American Angler. And to have your book autographed really meant a lot. Thanks again and I hope to be able to keep in touch with you. If you ever want to come over to WA state and try out Rocky Ford Creek. Let me know. I have a “Fishing cabin” (Actually it’s a single wide trailer…LOL) over there and try to get there about twice a month. The average size rainbow is 20-30 inches at Rocky Ford. If you are interested in Bass, a friend of mine manages a private lake about 20 minutes from my place. Bass, blue gill, croppie and carp are in there. I fished it for the first time this year and had a BLAST!!!!!!! Joe F. WA
Vince, Congrats. Another killer article. You are now my go to guy on both Caddis and Midges.
Don Peterson, UT
UV Callibaetis - T.N.T., size 14 |
Close up of the fly... |
3WB (Wilcox's Woven Water Boatman) - Rust, size 12 |
Close up of the fly... |